Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fun on a Stick: Liquorsicles!

Popsicles are seriously my favorite dessert. They're fresh, they're fruity, they're cold... and now they're even better, because they're alcoholic! I can practically hear '90s television icon Bill Nye the Science Guy rolling in his grave (figuratively speaking, of course. Wikipedia assures me he is still alive, but let's just go with it, ok?), as EVERYONE knows liquor doesn't freeze! Well, it does, you just have to get it really, really, really cold with a really, really, really fancy freezer. Or you can give this recipe a try - no government-grade freezer necessary.

Strawberry Margaritacle!****
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup fresh squeezed lime juice
1/2 cup water
10 strawberries
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 tbsp tequila
2 tbsp Grand Marnier

Muddle strawberries, set aside. In saucepan, combine sugar, water and lime juice, simmering over medium heat until sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Add muddled strawberries, tequila, lemon juice and Grand Marnier, stirring until mixed. Pour into popsicle molds* and cover with foil. With a knife, make a slit in the center of the mold; insert popsicle stick into center of mold and freeze for 10-12 hours. ENJOY!

These little suckers can be tricky - they melt quickly - but they're worth the effort. However, if you're not up to the task and live in NYC, check out Counter NYC, whose cocktail popsicles have been keeping the East Coast cool all summer long.

Sticky, sweet and seriously good - give them a shot!

****Here's the secret for those of you who wonder how these bad boys freeze - the % of alcohol is low enough to let the frozen water/juice keep it all together. Boozehounds - keep the tequila to a minimum!

* If you don't have a popsicle mold, pour margarita mixture into small Dixie cup, and store on a baking sheet. For best results, pre-freeze the baking sheet!

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